And on Saturday it was the sad 1 yr anniversary of the crash that stole
the loves of Toni Donato Bolis and her unborn child Ryan, who was to be
born in 2 days because of a distracted driver. We must stop these
tragedies from occurring to any more innocent victims...
By: Jennifer Freedman S.
Foto: Toni Donato B and... Ryan
Toni Donato Bolis - do not drive distracted!
Publicado por
Mich Vera
on martes, 5 de junio de 2012
Cases of the real life
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Jessica Uhl (6/4/89-11/23/07)
Publicado por
Mich Vera
Cases of the real life
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Yesterday we honored Jessica Uhl (6/4/89-11/23/07) who would shave turned 23. Instead she and her sister lost their lives to a distracted State Trooper who was speeding, talking on his phone, and texting on his computer. Please do only one thing while you are behind the wheel... DRIVE!!
By: Jennifer Freedman S.
Jessica Uhl (6/4/89-11/23/07)
By: Jennifer Freedman S.
Jessica Uhl (6/4/89-11/23/07)